Helping you build a
strategic not-for-profit
Every day I see the difference it makes in businesses when they put a robust strategy in place and can start helping more people through delivering their products and services. So it breaks my heart when I see amazing charities and NFPs failing to make the impact they deserve, purely because their marketing strategy isn't quite right.
If I could afford to, I'd work for free full time helping NFPs make the world a better place. Unfortunately I'm not able to do that (yet!) but I give what I can.
I offer my 'Kickstart Your Marketing' online workshop free to all not-for-profit organisations.
If you'd like to take me up on this offer, complete this form, and I'll send you a log-in so you can access the materials free of charge.

A marketing strategy needs to include 3 things
- Who (specifically) you’re looking to get buy-in from and what's important to them
- What you’re offering and why they’d want to buy into your NFP or charity (what problem do you solve for them and the real value they get from working with or supporting you)
- How they are going to buy from or support you (how people go from never having heard of you before to being loyal raving fans)
I disagree with a lot of marketers who say that it takes weeks (sometimes months) to create a marketing strategy. For many of the businesses and charities that I’ve worked with, we’ve been able to set a strategy in just a couple of hours. The reason I do this much quicker than many other marketing consultants is because I work differently…
My methods are inspired by engineering philosophies such as lean and agile, which focus on minimising waste and improving performance.
I created my Kickstart Your Marketing online workshop as a tool for businesses, charities, and NFPs to create a simple, minimum viable strategy and one-page marketing plan in less than 1 day.
How we support you...
Our goal is to make sure every business has a "Marketing Machine" driving leads, sales and profit. Throughout the programme, we'll design and build you a marketing machine, and train your team to drive it.

What's the process?
In this self guided online workshop, we’ll take you through our process for creating a strategic marketing plan that’ll actually be useful in your NFP. This includes:
- Customer profile: Who are you aiming your marketing at?
- Value proposition: What value are you delivering to your service users?
- Strategic objectives: What does your marketing need to achieve?
- Buyer journey: How do people go from never having heard of you to being raving fans? And how do they need to be supported on that journey so that they feel confident buying into what you do?
- Prioritise and plan: Whats your top marketing priority and what order should you execute your activities?
What's included?
- Over 1.5 hours of high value training videos that’ll guide you through the process
- Workbooks available to download and print or complete online
- My 1-page marketing plan template, available to download whenever you refresh your marketing plan
- Mapping your buyer journey template
- Access to the ‘Marketing Works’ facebook group where you’ll find my bonus training video ‘How to end scattergun marketing forever’
And, as a bonus…
When you sign up as a charity or Not-For-Profit organisation, you’ll also get lifetime access to this course so you can refresh and redo your strategy regularly as your NFP grows.
Machines running smoothly
The people you really want to hear from are the people who have already taken the leap and been through the process. So, don’t just take it from us, here’s what our previous clients had to say…

"The online workshop was incredibly useful. The systematic process, coupled with the workbooks, provoked thoughts and lines of enquiry that have had a positive impact on my business during the critical and early stages of my business formation. This is a must-do for any business."
Amy Kington
Community of Purpose
"We knew that we needed the half-day strategy session but we hadn't realised just how much we needed it. The marketing messages we created brought everything together into a clear, easy to understand story that we could communicate through the [crowdfunding] campaign."
No More Taboo
We've worked with a number of charities and not-for-profits over many years and have a pro bono budget to support the incredible work these organisations do. If you need more support than the Kickstart Your Marketing workshop, please arrange a free clarity call with us today so we can work out the best way forward for your organisation.